Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Service

Sunday mornings are hectic. We start at 7am with full team breakfast and a quick message from Sam Ingrassia, the e3 Partners Colombia Director, then each team (4 members) heads out to their host church for service. We worship alongside the Colombians that have been praying and preparing for our visit.

Church in Colombia is familiar, but different. We know many of the songs, because we sing them at home. The buildings are much different, their Colombia worship songs are very energetic and the atmosphere is full of dancing and honest worship. These are people who are on fire for the Lord.

After about an hour of praise and worship time, our team was introduced to the church, telling a small story or sharing a Scripture as part of our introduction. Then, I was asked to preach a message to the church before their pastor gave his sermon. I taught on Stephen and how his actions caused Jesus to stand up and take notice. The pastor followed up with some incredible preaching about answering the call. He incorporated the Stephen story into his message. Pure awesome on all fronts!

Quick clip from church service this morning. Turn down the volume, it will be loud! The pastor is the man on the left in the white long sleeve shirt.

We were informed that our first 2 days in the field will be in a unique neighborhood, not far from the church. We're going to be in an area known for drug addicts, prostitution, and hitmen. Yes, hitmen. We've been told that they will kill someone for $2 to $5. Fortunately, there are fewer of them around as the police have cracked down on them in recent months.

Continue praying for this area. These are people looking for something to fill their lives and they will be at a point of no hope. Spiritual warfare will be active for sure and I'm sure we'll be facing the activity of Satan first hand. Prayer for open hearts, protection and strength specifically.

The host church for this area has already been walking these streets praying over the people, anointing the streets with oil and preparing a way for our visit. I'm certain that God has a great harvest in store for us.

Dave's group and host church is equally as incredible. Their worship was very similar and the brothers and sisters in that church are also on fire for God and His Kingdom. I don't have many details about the neighborhoods he'll be visiting, and he's downstairs planning with some members of his team who were delayed in Miami.

6am prayer meeting in the morning, breakfast with the entire team at 7 and off to the field at 9.

Will update (with photos) tomorrow night.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for the video! Amazing worship and so lively! Again, PTL!
    Hey, Dave, I didn't realize until yesterday that you are a team leader. That is fantastic, you will be an excellent leader. Matt, are you leading a team, too? It sounds like it since you got to preach. You, also, excellent. What wonderful opportunities for you both.
    Sounds like major needs...then there will be a major harvest!
    Am reading Colossians, here's a good one: vs.28 "We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ".
    I know you will be "proclaiming Him" with great joy!
    In my prayers,
    ps: looking forward to the pics, Dave......
