Monday, April 12, 2010

The Beginning

Sundays are technically the first day of any e3 Colombia mission trip, but Mondays are really the beginning. Monday is when we get out into the barrios for the first time. We get to work with the local churches, their members and translators. Our 8 teams drove out into the field, and we never know where we're going until we get there. Sometimes we get a hint into what we'll see, as I explained in yesterday's post, but rarely do you really know what is coming.

The Beginning...
Today we began evangelizing.

We began seeing lives transformed and restored.

We began to share our faith with strangers who are now brothers and sisters.

We began by seeing God open doors, soften hearts and provide a path before us.

We began to be blessed in ways that can't be explained in a blog.

The Beginning...
Today we saw new churches planted.

We saw new believers sharing their faith with friends and family.

We saw translators share their faith and lead people to Christ for the first time.

We saw God reach those who are forgotten by society.

The Beginning...
Today we started to disciple new believers.

We spoke truth into lives.

We stepped out of our comfort zones and into places the Holy Spirit led.

Today we saw the beginning of another revival in Cali Colombia. We witnessed the God who created the heavens and the earth, place His hand on people who had no hope, no love and nothing good from this world. We shared in the joy of heaven welcoming home the lost children who have now found their way home.

The Beginning...
We found new beginnings within the police departments of Cali. I witnessed 2 officers become broken and rebuilt in an afternoon. We were invited to witness to 80 police officers in their department on Friday. God provides places and opportunities we couldn't imagine.

And the best part...this is just the beginning.

Love to you all. The prayers are felt and being answered.

Praise to our Father the One True God!


  1. Beautifully written, Matt. I have chills! What an amazing beginning....

    Continued blessings to all!

    ps: love the photo, Dave!

  2. Matt/Dave, Being a servant means giving up the right to control your schedule and allowing GOD to interrupt it whenever he needs to! Amazing testimony!!!!!!! Not only 2 police officiers but the LORD has placed you to witness thru the Holy Spirit to the department!!! We love you, Ernie and Mary
