Saturday, April 10, 2010

Arrived in Cali

Dave and I have arrived in Cali, Colombia. We landed at 7:35pm and were through customs in record time, considering we had a unique box of items with us. Dave had been asked to bring a box full of glasses that will be given out to those in need here. He had a letter that explained why he was bringing them into the country, but the customs agent wasn't quite understanding. After some broken Spanish and confusion, he asked to see another bag from our luggage. It happened to be the box that included the evangicubes (the tool we use to share the Gospel with people). Once we showed him that they were the story of Jesus Christo, he immediately closed the suitcase and the glasses box and told us we were cleared to go through. God speaks louder than a letter can explain.

We're in the hotel now, planning our messages for the churches we will visit in the morning. This is the kickoff to a marathon of 4 days in the field doing evangelism, training, teaching, and church planting. It's hard to sit still in a hotel knowing that we don't know what God has in store for us this week.

Please keep your prayers focused on the hearts of those we come in contact with this week. If only one person can find eternal salvation this week, our time is well spent, but we know God has way more in store than that! Also, please keep our translators in prayer this week. The biggest difficulty we have in sharing is the language barrier. It appears that we have a shortage of translators this week, but God will provide.

Thank you all. Talk to you tomorrow night.



  1. PTL!! Welcome to Cali! Loved the customs story, you are off to a good start.
    Will continue to pray and expect great things. We had a shortage of translators last year in B.quilla, but things did work out. (Good translators are a gift from God, that's for sure!)
    Have a wonderful week. I'm looking so forward to following you all on this blog. I'm on this trip vicariously!!
    Rich blessings,

  2. Thanks Dorothy! Wish you were here with us!

    Matt & Dave

  3. Dave just wanted to stipulate that he will not be sharing any photos with you...

