Friday, October 31, 2008

Colombia Day 7

Today was the last day in Colombia. There are too many stories to tell in a blog post, too much to share in a few paragraphs. The picture we've tried to share through this week only gives you a very very very small look into the true Kingdom things we've exprienced this. The phrase I have used this week is that "we got to see the Bible in real-time". I borrowed the phrase from Steven and it says it all, God didn't show up, He showed off this week.

As we get ready to catch a little sleep before waking up at 4:45am to be on the bus to the airport, I want to leave you with some amazing numbers.

Over 4 days, our group consumed 3,176 bottles of water. We got a total of 37 minutes of sleep, walked 75,439 miles, and beared temperatures that were in excess of 173 degrees. Actually only the number that is true is the water. We drink a lot of water here.

Tonight we went to a victory celebration where the new believers were bused in at no cost to celebrate. Doug and Steven were asked to perform with a couple of other "music guys" at the service. This was truly an honor for them and for us. Worship happened in that room tonight. About 1400 people showed up, and another high point was Andrew's testimony. You will see a changed man when he returns on Sunday!

Seriously these are God given numbers...
The Gospel was presented 6889 times that we know about. It was actually many more times than that, but that's all that was recorded.

3432 of these 6889, turned their life over to Christ and professed him as Saviour.

Again, this is only from those that we recorded. There were many more that weren't recorded.

God is good all the time, and sometimes He likes to show off...we're glad we got to see it.

Matt & Dave

1 comment:

  1. Praise God! All of you have done great works and will be rewarded by God. The real reward is knowing that you brought one more soul to Christ.
    GOD IS AWESOME ! love ya Beth Gilbert
