Monday, October 27, 2008

Colombia Day 3

This post is from Andrew McElyea

This was the first day in the mission field and the harvest was plenty. The day started out at 6.15am for a prayer meeting before breakfast. I would love to tell you about the early morning meeting, but Doug Schmidt (my roommate) and I slept through it. We did however make in in time to hear Matt close the service with a prayer focused on Proverbs 3:5-6. In our defense, we were on time for breakfast and never got the word about the service. We will be there tomorrow morning for certain. After breakfast, we met our translators and local Nationals for a bus ride to the barrio where we would spend all day sharing the gospel. As a first time missions participant I was totally overwhelmed. There is no way that any one could have ever prepared me for the rush of emotions that I experienced. The homes were located on the side of rolling hills and made primarily of broken tiles and crushed cement. The streets are better described as trails as you would walk and in many places they were no more that water drainage ruts.

I must say the the harvest is more than ripe. The locals have done a good job of preparing the way for Los Americanas. Out team, made up of Matt H., Andrew Mc, Kay S., David G. and Pastor Jerry, had well over 150 first time professions of faith in Jesus Christ. We are just ONE team out of 12 or 15 and this was just the FIRST DAY! We have three more days and I can not wait for the opportunity to share the gospel with more wonderful Colombians.

Our team including myself, 3 Nationals, one translator were able to visit 17 homes and had anywhere from 1 to 5 people come to Christ as a result of our visit. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

I would love to tell you about the home cooked food, Jerry´s queezy stomach, cab rides through the city or the evening wrap up worship but there is so much to tell and way to much to write.

I´ll ask Matt to post the pictures of Michelle, who at 8 years old accepted Christ and wants to come to America to Work. If that didn't bring you to tears I would introduce you to the man who has less in life that you and I have in our garage. Never the less, on my way out of town, he offered me his prized ring to say thank you for coming to Colombia for his family.

Yes, God is good. We are bringing the Firewheel youth back to Colombia in July and I would highly reccomend this trip to you. Pray that God would lead or, or if you are like me... just decide to show up and see how God can show you his Truth.

From Colombia,

Still having problems uploading the pics. I'll try again tomorrow.

We can't tell you how your prayers are opening doors and hearts. As Andrew stated so passionately above, the harvest is plentiful. These people are hungry for the hope and love of Jesus Christ. Keep up the prayers!

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