Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Colombia Day 4

This post is from Amauri Suarez, one of our translators. He's pictured below with me and Jerry with the family in the barrio we visited yesterday.

I have been in some campaigns since 2003, but in every campaign God makes bigger things, and today was our last day in Carlos Maizing, and we got about 200 profession of faith, it's the first time I saw that among receiving Jesus as their savouir and Lord.
I was so excited for me be part of this great blessing, people working together side by side to the Lord of Lord, it doesn't matter languages, it doesn't cultures, social levels, denominations, we only the care help to save the lost.
When the body of Christ work together in unity, we can see great things like we are watching during this week.

The power of God has no limits, limits are in our minds and heart.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for you and your help Amauri. These guys could not do what they are doing without you!
