Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Colombia Day 5

Post by Amanda Ramirez
Hello all...thank you for your prayers. This week has been unbelievable. I´ve been touched by the passion with which the people here serve and worship the Lord. People here are eager to hear about having a relationship with Jesus. We have had the opportunity to share the gospel with people from young children to people in their 90s. It has been a very humbling experience. Looking forward to sharing stories with you all when we get back.

Posted by Nichole Kirchenbauer
This is my first trip to Barranquilla, and with e3 partners. The trip has been unbelieveable, and awesome. Tuesday I went to a school in a middle class town, and got to lead 50 children to Christ. God is doing marvelous things here. Seeing that many children in one place wanting to know about Jesus Christ, and me to share with them so easily. Nothing like we can do in the States, or even in the school. Here you can go right into a school and tell the the gospel freely. The Holy Spirit has truly been with us here in Barranquilla. I encourage everyone to take a mission trip. You will come back a changed and totally renewed person.

Posted by Ernie Matallana
God is great...God is great...too many stories to tell. Barranquilla here we come you all...miss you...

Posted by Doug Schmidt:

It has been unbelievable. My favorite 5 minutes:

A 15 year old girl who had already won her twin brother, and mother to Christ in the last year asked me to share the gospel with her dad. The entire church had been praying for this man because of his 15 year old daughter. She came up to me yesterday to tell me he was finally home from work. By the time we got to he porch there were probably 15-20 people sitting on the porch while we shared the gospel with Juan. After talking for a few minutes...he prayed to receive Christ. When the words "amen" were spoken...the porch erupted in applause, cheering, tears, etc...We then proceed up the street to our night meeting with Juan with an incredibly huge smile on his face and his family surrounding him. What a moment...these words don't do it justice.

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