Sunday, October 26, 2008

Colombia Day 2

Post comes from Dave Stephenson:

Our 12 teams in Barranquilla spread out to attend 12 different churches throughout the city this morning. Each mission team will assist its respective church this week; pastors who will work side-by-side with had the opportunity to hear our testimonies to their congregations. We grew even closer to the church leaders by spending lunch together, and in the evening attended a meeting with our mission teams, translators and all the church leaders – regarded as nationalists. We discovered early this morning we are so blessed to have air conditioning when several groups arrived to lunch from church services held in open-air buildings or even one-car garages. Matt and I are on separate teams but both sat in churches where the electricity was out. Ernie and his group left their service only to find a drunken man waking up on the sidewalk just outside the church entrance. Ernie pulled out his Evangecube and moments later the angels celebrated with another addition to His kingdom. The front section of my church was dedicated to a small men’s Bible Study group before the service began. We read from 1 Peter before they continued a Rick Warren study. Two languages, two nationalities, two skin colors, one God.

Tomorrow all the teams begin working in the field with our local church teams. We have been blessed with ample translators, excited local mission churches and fantastic opportunities to share the Gospel, plant new churches and lift up and encourage existing churches. Continue to pray for us as we begin planting seeds and working within God's plans for a great harvest!

I promised pictures, but the internet connection is making it a little difficult. I will try again tomorrow night.

Thanks for the encouragement and prayers - Matt

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for you! We missed you both on Sunday.
