Friday, October 31, 2008

Colombia Day 7

Today was the last day in Colombia. There are too many stories to tell in a blog post, too much to share in a few paragraphs. The picture we've tried to share through this week only gives you a very very very small look into the true Kingdom things we've exprienced this. The phrase I have used this week is that "we got to see the Bible in real-time". I borrowed the phrase from Steven and it says it all, God didn't show up, He showed off this week.

As we get ready to catch a little sleep before waking up at 4:45am to be on the bus to the airport, I want to leave you with some amazing numbers.

Over 4 days, our group consumed 3,176 bottles of water. We got a total of 37 minutes of sleep, walked 75,439 miles, and beared temperatures that were in excess of 173 degrees. Actually only the number that is true is the water. We drink a lot of water here.

Tonight we went to a victory celebration where the new believers were bused in at no cost to celebrate. Doug and Steven were asked to perform with a couple of other "music guys" at the service. This was truly an honor for them and for us. Worship happened in that room tonight. About 1400 people showed up, and another high point was Andrew's testimony. You will see a changed man when he returns on Sunday!

Seriously these are God given numbers...
The Gospel was presented 6889 times that we know about. It was actually many more times than that, but that's all that was recorded.

3432 of these 6889, turned their life over to Christ and professed him as Saviour.

Again, this is only from those that we recorded. There were many more that weren't recorded.

God is good all the time, and sometimes He likes to show off...we're glad we got to see it.

Matt & Dave

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Colombia Day 6

Post by Dave Stephenson

My priorities were really in order earlier this month when I started spending my lunchtime at work on the Internet searching for how to spend our off day in Barranquilla tomorrow, when our work in the mission field was completed. Mud vulcano? Beach? Trip into Cartegena?

God had other plans, and for many of us. Our work in the mission field may be complete, but we absolutely love these people. During my testimony at our service this afternoon (at our new church plant), I spoke about our mission in Colombia ... to share the love of Jesus. So many Colombians are lacking Jesus, but the love they show and are extending us is unbelievable. They are teaching us how to love strangers in ways unimaginable back at home.

Because of the relationships we have forged in the past week, many of us are choosing to spend our off day back in our communities, encouraging the new brothers and sisters in Christ to get on the bus at their church and to attend our victory service. I'm two days removed from the first community we penetrated on Monday and Tuesday, so I'm headed back there with team member Doug Schmidt to pop in dozens of homes, grab some hugs, and play the role of encourager.

E-mail blasts don't work in these communities.

Matt is doing the same in the village he led his team into on Monday and Tuesday, and they're bringing in an eye doctor to lend his services to anyone needing assistance.

We're going to be a mess back at Firewheel on Sunday morning after our return Saturday night. "Our people" will be a continent away and not a $10 taxi ride outside the city limits.

That's where faith shows its true color -- trusting in the Holy Spirit to take these newborns into lights in their communities.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Colombia Day 5 (part 2)

I want to share a little of what our days are like outside of the mission field. Dave Stephenson and I are rooming together this week. Each morning we wake up at 5:15 to get ready for our 6:00am prayer meeting hosted by Vicki Ingrassia. Many from this team of about 70 meet together to pray and worship. What a wonderful way to start the day! At 7:00am we meet with the whole team for breakfast, fellowship and a devotional time led by Sam Ingrassia (our e3 leader). These lessons always start with something funny with pictures from the day before and then a wonderful lesson on our role in the mission field. These are lessons I will remember forever. After breakfast, Dave and I run back to the room to pack up water and our materials for the day. Dave shares a short scripture for the day and we pray together.

After spending the day in the field, we return to the hotel to get ready to head out for dinner somewhere. You should see the lobby as we all flood back, there are stories being shared about the great harvest we have just witnessed. It's an amazing place to be. I imagine this is only a fraction of what happens in heaven each day. Scripture tells us that angels rejoice and praise God when a person receives the gift of salvation. The hotel lobby has to be just a small glipse of that scene in heaven. Keep in mind that we have been out for about 8 hours without easy access to bathrooms, in very hot and humid contitions, and we don't run to the rooms, we linger to share.

We usually dine with our field teams, the stories never stop. We share what happened, moments that touched us in ways I can't explain, and we just love and encourage one another.

After dinner, we return to the hotel, stories are still unfolding in the lobby, sharing from group to group with the Amazing things God is doing. (I use the capital "A" because it is the "Amazing" that Pastor Jerry preached about). Dave and I meet back in the room at some point, usually someime between 9 and 10pm.

The stories are different from team to team, and much different from our Medical team. They are moving from place to place each day, treating people in every location that come in with everything from cuts and bruises to parasites. Don't ask Edith Gray about tapeworms, she will tell you and you don't want to know. The medical team has been overwhelmed and each day they go out with renewed strength and love. They are a miracle in human flesh.

From the time we get back to the room, Dave and I share our day. We tell about the wonder of God working in the communities and share our "5 minutes" stories. The 5 minutes is something Dave came up with..."Tell me the 5 minutes you would like to go back to today and experience again".

We can't seem to stop sharing and rejoicing together until around 12:00 or 1:00am. (Remember that we get up at 5:15...we know it's insane!). I share a scripture for the day, while we answer email, and review the pictures from the day.

At lights out, I get the nightime scripture and prayer, then we try to cram in 8 hours of sleep in 4. God is good at recharing batteries on a short schedule. As I type this, Dave started snoring mid-sentence. I've never seen anybody who can fall asleep that fast.

The big news we got on Wednesday morning...after only 2 days in the field, we have seen over 1700 professions of faith! You now have more "hemanos y hermanas en Christo" (brothers and sisters in Christ).

Continue to pray for us. When God makes this much noise, Satan takes notice.

Last thought...Pastor Steven prayed for us Monday morning and in his prayer he asked God..."don't just show up God, we want you to show off!" He has - every day.


Colombia Day 5

Post by Amanda Ramirez
Hello all...thank you for your prayers. This week has been unbelievable. I´ve been touched by the passion with which the people here serve and worship the Lord. People here are eager to hear about having a relationship with Jesus. We have had the opportunity to share the gospel with people from young children to people in their 90s. It has been a very humbling experience. Looking forward to sharing stories with you all when we get back.

Posted by Nichole Kirchenbauer
This is my first trip to Barranquilla, and with e3 partners. The trip has been unbelieveable, and awesome. Tuesday I went to a school in a middle class town, and got to lead 50 children to Christ. God is doing marvelous things here. Seeing that many children in one place wanting to know about Jesus Christ, and me to share with them so easily. Nothing like we can do in the States, or even in the school. Here you can go right into a school and tell the the gospel freely. The Holy Spirit has truly been with us here in Barranquilla. I encourage everyone to take a mission trip. You will come back a changed and totally renewed person.

Posted by Ernie Matallana
God is great...God is great...too many stories to tell. Barranquilla here we come you all...miss you...

Posted by Doug Schmidt:

It has been unbelievable. My favorite 5 minutes:

A 15 year old girl who had already won her twin brother, and mother to Christ in the last year asked me to share the gospel with her dad. The entire church had been praying for this man because of his 15 year old daughter. She came up to me yesterday to tell me he was finally home from work. By the time we got to he porch there were probably 15-20 people sitting on the porch while we shared the gospel with Juan. After talking for a few minutes...he prayed to receive Christ. When the words "amen" were spoken...the porch erupted in applause, cheering, tears, etc...We then proceed up the street to our night meeting with Juan with an incredibly huge smile on his face and his family surrounding him. What a moment...these words don't do it justice.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Colombia Day 4

This post is from Amauri Suarez, one of our translators. He's pictured below with me and Jerry with the family in the barrio we visited yesterday.

I have been in some campaigns since 2003, but in every campaign God makes bigger things, and today was our last day in Carlos Maizing, and we got about 200 profession of faith, it's the first time I saw that among receiving Jesus as their savouir and Lord.
I was so excited for me be part of this great blessing, people working together side by side to the Lord of Lord, it doesn't matter languages, it doesn't cultures, social levels, denominations, we only the care help to save the lost.
When the body of Christ work together in unity, we can see great things like we are watching during this week.

The power of God has no limits, limits are in our minds and heart.
A few pics, I'll post more soon.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Colombia Day 3

This post is from Andrew McElyea

This was the first day in the mission field and the harvest was plenty. The day started out at 6.15am for a prayer meeting before breakfast. I would love to tell you about the early morning meeting, but Doug Schmidt (my roommate) and I slept through it. We did however make in in time to hear Matt close the service with a prayer focused on Proverbs 3:5-6. In our defense, we were on time for breakfast and never got the word about the service. We will be there tomorrow morning for certain. After breakfast, we met our translators and local Nationals for a bus ride to the barrio where we would spend all day sharing the gospel. As a first time missions participant I was totally overwhelmed. There is no way that any one could have ever prepared me for the rush of emotions that I experienced. The homes were located on the side of rolling hills and made primarily of broken tiles and crushed cement. The streets are better described as trails as you would walk and in many places they were no more that water drainage ruts.

I must say the the harvest is more than ripe. The locals have done a good job of preparing the way for Los Americanas. Out team, made up of Matt H., Andrew Mc, Kay S., David G. and Pastor Jerry, had well over 150 first time professions of faith in Jesus Christ. We are just ONE team out of 12 or 15 and this was just the FIRST DAY! We have three more days and I can not wait for the opportunity to share the gospel with more wonderful Colombians.

Our team including myself, 3 Nationals, one translator were able to visit 17 homes and had anywhere from 1 to 5 people come to Christ as a result of our visit. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

I would love to tell you about the home cooked food, Jerry´s queezy stomach, cab rides through the city or the evening wrap up worship but there is so much to tell and way to much to write.

I´ll ask Matt to post the pictures of Michelle, who at 8 years old accepted Christ and wants to come to America to Work. If that didn't bring you to tears I would introduce you to the man who has less in life that you and I have in our garage. Never the less, on my way out of town, he offered me his prized ring to say thank you for coming to Colombia for his family.

Yes, God is good. We are bringing the Firewheel youth back to Colombia in July and I would highly reccomend this trip to you. Pray that God would lead or, or if you are like me... just decide to show up and see how God can show you his Truth.

From Colombia,

Still having problems uploading the pics. I'll try again tomorrow.

We can't tell you how your prayers are opening doors and hearts. As Andrew stated so passionately above, the harvest is plentiful. These people are hungry for the hope and love of Jesus Christ. Keep up the prayers!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Colombia Day 2

Post comes from Dave Stephenson:

Our 12 teams in Barranquilla spread out to attend 12 different churches throughout the city this morning. Each mission team will assist its respective church this week; pastors who will work side-by-side with had the opportunity to hear our testimonies to their congregations. We grew even closer to the church leaders by spending lunch together, and in the evening attended a meeting with our mission teams, translators and all the church leaders – regarded as nationalists. We discovered early this morning we are so blessed to have air conditioning when several groups arrived to lunch from church services held in open-air buildings or even one-car garages. Matt and I are on separate teams but both sat in churches where the electricity was out. Ernie and his group left their service only to find a drunken man waking up on the sidewalk just outside the church entrance. Ernie pulled out his Evangecube and moments later the angels celebrated with another addition to His kingdom. The front section of my church was dedicated to a small men’s Bible Study group before the service began. We read from 1 Peter before they continued a Rick Warren study. Two languages, two nationalities, two skin colors, one God.

Tomorrow all the teams begin working in the field with our local church teams. We have been blessed with ample translators, excited local mission churches and fantastic opportunities to share the Gospel, plant new churches and lift up and encourage existing churches. Continue to pray for us as we begin planting seeds and working within God's plans for a great harvest!

I promised pictures, but the internet connection is making it a little difficult. I will try again tomorrow night.

Thanks for the encouragement and prayers - Matt

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Colombia Day 1

The Global Impact team from Firewheel Church has arrived! We made it through an early flight to Miami, an afternoon flight to Barranquilla and to the Hotel Majestic and out to dinner with all of our Firewheel team members.

The trip itself was a journey. A long layover in Miami was a bit tiring and the flight on Avianca Airlines to Barranquilla left late, but was a smooth flight with some added "smoke" effect from the AC in the plane.

Customs in Barranquilla is a crazy experience. You stand in one line to get stamped as incoming to the country, then go get your luggage to stand in another line. That line ends with having your luggage scanned and a determination of whether you will need a more "comprehensive" search through your bags. If you want any information about this process, ask Pastor Doug, he was pulled out for about a 30 minute inspection of his bags, specifically a box of Evangecubes, where they looked at each of the 50 or so cubes before letting him into the country.

After an exciting and unusual ride from the airport, we got all 70 of us checked into the hotel and got our luggage sorted and up to everyone's room.

We had some wonderful conversation over dinner with some of the national translators and some great Colombia style food. You can certainly tell that the nationals are very excited that we are here and ready to maximize using us throughout the week.

Tomorrow morning we start with a team meeting at 7am and worship at one of the local churches.

Keep us in prayer throughout the week. This is going to be a wonderful week and God has some amazing plans for us.

I will post some pics tomorrow. The internet connection is a little slow from the room.