Thursday, April 21, 2011

In The Name of Keith

Day 4 of 4 is complete in Cali. We planted two churches and at each site our team of 4 North Americans and 4 translators delivered each pastor and his staff more than 200 tracts; people who were either presented the Gospel or who accepted Jesus.

Staggering what God can do.

My 4-person team from the States included 2 from South Carolina (Bill and Gordon) and 1 from Delaware (Henry). While Bill is completing his 12th trip in Colombia with E3 Partners, Gordon and Henry are putting the wraps on their first-ever mission trips.

And with heavy hearts.

Before the calendar turned 2011, Henry made a commitment to the trip with his childhood friend, Keith, who is a member of the same church in Greenville, SC, as both Bill and Gordon. In late January, Keith fell in the shower. The following week, Keith was diagnosed with brain cancer. He underwent surgery and then began an intense treatment which he and his wife, Joyce, chose would give him the best chance to stay the course to be in Cali this week.

Weeks ago, Keith and Joyce reconsidered and agreed that Cali was out of the question. At the same time, Gordon paid a visit to the hospital and felt the Spirit stirring him to step in for Keith. An accountant and father of four sons, Gordon had made dozens of excuses in the past on why he couldn't go to Colombia ... he couldn't think of one this time and jumped in with both feet to show his love for Keith.

My pictures today highlight Gordon (blue shirt). He remarked in the van en route to the church this morning, "I'm really not an evangelist. I mention the Lord in conversation in the workplace, but I just don't think of myself as an evangelist."

More than 30 Colombians accepted Christ today thanks to the hands and feet of Gordon and his translator, Adrian. Throughout the day as I checked on the team in the barrio, I never saw Gordon without being surrounded by men and women and families hanging out of windows to hear God working through Gordon.

God had a plan of saving the best for Gordon's last day.


Friday is our traditional 'off-day' before our 6 PM victory service, when attendees from each of the 16 barrios where we planted churches this week in Cali will gather together to celebrate their new-found faith in Christ. Never a dry eye in the arena when we say goodbye to bonds we formed this week with so many warm-hearted Colombians.

For the second straight year, Bill and I and a few of our translators have been invited to share the Gospel to members of the Colombian National Police at their training academy south of the city. An honor I cannot express and looking back on the experience in April of 2010 still gives me chill bumps. Matt ... you will be so missed at our side.

My Profile picture on Facebook shows a photo with the men we presented to at the academy last year ... those who were bold enough to come forward and choose a life with Big Brother at their side aare at our side in the photo.

We would appreciate your prayers for the 9 AM meeting, which will be sandwiched between our daily 7 AM breakfast meeting and a Noon conquest for the baddest plantains in Cali. I'd like to think it will be a celebration!

God still hasn't let us down ... if we're willing to do His work.



1 comment:

  1. Such a touching story about Gordon stepping in for Keith. I thought of the verse "No greater love". I'm speechless....

    Will pray for the 9 a.m meeting. The Lord has opened this door and no man can close it. He'll do this through you all.
