Friday, March 26, 2010

In His Time, Not Yours

During our mission trip in Colombia (two years ago), we started every morning at 6 AM with an hour of prayer and devotionals around the hotel pool, followed by breakfast and instruction/motivation for our day in the field. After a quick trip back to our hotel room to gather our belongings and to pray for each of our days, Matt and I divided into our respective teams, jumped into vans and departed for our assigned communities around 8:45. We returned around sunset.

The initial thought that Matt and I both shared was to attend the first prayer hour on Monday, but to sleep in the rest of the week and report straight to breakfast.

During one of the breakfast meetings at the start of the week, our group of 70+plus from across the country and of all ages was asked for a show of hands of those who have been following Christ for 50 or more years. A scattering responded, which was incredible. Then 25 or more years. A bunch; many people my age who probably grew up in a Christian home and in a strong church where they still visit when returning home to see family. Then 10 or more years. Almost everyone in the room. I knew what was coming. Finally, a show of hands for less than 10 years.

I think I was the only one in the packed meeting room whose hand was raised. There I was, out in the open, exposed and the latest member of God's Chosen among a room of dozens and dozens of experienced missionaries.

Before I could feel a sense of uneasiness about being out of my league in that room when it came time to sharing the Gospel or reciting scripture of singing songs tied to scripture, I realized God had me exactly where He wanted me. This trip was by His plan and His design. My perceived "weakness" with my left hand still in the air and all alone in the room would become my strength in the mission field.

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." - Ephesians 2:10

Within a couple hours, I found myself a world removed from the hotel meeting room, sweating in the early-morning Colombian heat ... and sharing the amazing story of Jesus to strangers as we traveled house to house building membership in area churches. Sharing His Love and His commitment to find us, to rescue us, wherever we are in the pit ready to surrender.

Even if we had been in the pit for 30-plus years looking for an answer. That statement resonated with Colombians I met who were grown adults, just like me. The hope that I conveyed in Christ they clearly saw in my eyes and heard in my voice, even through my translator. They could sense His love through His spirit that was in me and leading me. No one else in that hotel meeting room had that story to tell of living in darkness for so, so long and the patience God has with all of us, but I did.

We never missed prayer house at 6 AM that week. Starting the morning in communion with Him was as important then as it was me earlier this morning. Day One will start back in Colombia two weeks from today, after our arrival on Saturday night.

He's going to wow me again, I can count on that.

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